About the Author


Kayode Soyinka, a world-renowned newspaper reporter who began his journalism career as a cub reporter in Nigeria with the Ibadan-based Daily Sketch newspaper in 1976. Throughout his life, he has been passionate about Journalism and has been career-driven from the very beginning. He was a foreign correspondent based in London for straight 17 years. He has also served as the London Bureau Chief for 10 years in addition to his marvelous experiences. Earning the reputation as a versatile investigative journalist was a skipping stone for the enthusiastic journalist. Currently working as the Founder/Publisher and also the Editor-in-Chief of Africa Today, he aspires to push his skills even further in this eventful career.

Regardless of being a successful journalist and a highly influencing writer, his words are quite persuasive and know how to capture the attention of the readers. After spending years in the field of journalism and gaining a fair amount of experience in it, Kayode decided to write a book called “Born into Journalism” to use it as a guidebook for youngsters looking forward to becoming journalists just like him.

If I were to say that Kayode has embedded his entire brain into the book only for others to learn from it and make the right decisions in their lives, it will still not do enough justice to him. He is offering a lot more for what he had struggled for in his life and learned the hard way. Journalism is simply not everyone’s cup of tea and it takes more than determination and dedication to become a successful journalist just like Kayode Soyinka himself.